Sex Doll Use: Is it Deviance, Addiction, or Something Else?

The sex offender treatment world can tend to label out of the box practices “deviant” and the sex therapy world thinks that all conventional sex practices are pretty much just fine. The sex addiction world can tend to think all non-normative sexual practices are an addiction. But where does that leave sex doll use?
As a clinician, I live at an intersection between these three worlds.
- Sex Addiction Therapy
- Sexual Offender Therapy
- Sex Therapy
These are often conflicting worlds.
It is probably safe to say that these three different but connected worlds all likely have different thoughts about sex dolls.

Interested in more information about sex dolls and their owners? Here’s all of our posts about them:
Sex Doll Stigma
Sex doll use and ownership is something that is seriously stigmatized. People who own dolls are often labeled perverts.
Many people look down on doll owners. While some think if a minor attracted person has a sex doll it will increase their likelihood to actually offend against a child.
We see this view point when countries or states enact legislation about importation and/or ownership of sex dolls as well as a recent controversy in Texas about the opening of a doll brothel.
It is easy to pass a law about sexual behavior on an emotional basis, however, if the science ends up saying that the law is unhelpful or even harmful, it is nearly impossible to get these types of laws overturned.
The reality is that most of these statements are either stigmas or assumptions as it is a topic that is little researched.
That’s why I was so excited to see a session at this year’s ATSA conference dedicated to research about doll ownership.
Dr. Craig Harper and Jeremy Malcolm presented preliminary research regarding sex doll ownership. The first study presented was a qualitative study about the motivations for sex doll ownership.
The proviso here is that the sample size is still small (6) but is growing as the research is ongoing.

So, Why own a sex doll?
Two themes emerged.
First: The “perfect partner” scenario.
Second: Sex.
The owners of the dolls identified deficits on real people or themselves that made relationships difficult.
The men in the study cited things such as a doll not always being critical as a reason to have a doll versus a real relationship.
Some men cited their own personal deficits as reasons for having a doll. They suffered from great anxiety when interacting with others and found it easier to have a doll. Therefore, the dolls took on emotional significance as well.
Creating the perfect partner: We all know that real people have flaws. When creating a sex doll, it is totally customizable and can be created to perfectly match a person’s arousal template.

Does Sex Doll Use Make People Aggressive?
The second study was quantitative and looked at whether or not doll ownership predicted sexual aggression.
I consider this a topic of great importance, because many people hold the belief that having a sex doll, particularly when you are talking about child sex dolls, will increase a person’s likelihood to offend against a real child.
This study comprised a control group and a group of sex doll owners who owned adult sex dolls, and had them take a survey. My summary of the results:
- Owning a sex doll did not increase the likelihood of sexual aggression.
- There were no differences between doll owners and non-doll owners on measures of sexual assault proclivity or paraphilic interest.
- There were no differences between doll owners and non-doll owners on the emotional factors studied, nor in attachment style.

Struggling with excessive sexual thoughts, urges, or activities that are causing you distress? Take the free, online Sexual Symptom Assessment Scale (SSAS) and get a link to share with your therapist.
The study did find that doll owners scored higher in some of the implicit rape theories endorsements.
Particularly, they scored higher on hostility toward women, seeing women as sexual objects, seeing women as dangerous and sexual entitlement.
It should be noted that the study did not look at causation: Therefore, you cannot say whether owning a doll increased these scores or that people with these attitudes are more likely to get a doll. However, we can just note a difference.
Rem,ember this is preliminary data.
The second study has 70 doll owners and 90 controls at present. However, the research is a step in the right direction as it is empirically looking at doll ownership. The second study found preliminary evidence that owning a sex doll is not associated with an increase in sexual aggression.
Why does it matter?
Laws in states and countries are being enacted regarding sex doll ownership.
These laws are being proposed without research to back up whether or not bans would be effective.
It is easy to pass a law about sexual behavior on an emotional basis, however, if the science ends up saying that the law is unhelpful or even harmful, it is nearly impossible to get these types of laws overturned.

Are you looking for more reputable data-backed information on sexual addiction? The Mitigation Aide Research Archive is an excellent source for executive summaries of research studies.
Do you feel your sexual behavior, or that of someone you love, is out of control? Then you should consult with a professional.

Have you found yourself in legal trouble due to your sexual behavior? Seek assistance before the court mandates it, with Sexual Addiction Treatment Services.
March 6, 2024 @ 6:34 pm
I been seeing a lot of new hate on dolls and their owners this year and i dont know if you guys are like collective shout or pro dolls but…
Myself and later about my dolls.
I have a number of anti social issues all my life and still do. I dont talk to people even if talked to depending on why. I never had a GF and not because i could not get any but because its not in my ability to make that move and im 39 now. I have agoraphobia and all the issues ive had all my life. Because of my issues i was prevented from passing into the 10th for lack of credits because i had adhd issues that limited my learning. They refused to let me repeat the 9th because i was too old to legally be in the 9th since i was held back 2 times in the 1st and 2nd grade and i did not have the education to get a GED and stayed home 24/7 to game which most women, decent women wont give a guy like me a chance even tho i was a little above average looking but in ssi (low income disability) with my issues. I had options to hook up with attractive girls but it was always for the wrong reasons on their side, one night stands or they felt bad because i didnt get out but im the type i mate for life so i always ran from chances. My mother ended up with dementia which is when i found out i had agoraphobia and remained indoors for the last 6 years and nobody coming by. We had 3 cats which not long after all 3 passed a way from old age and one passed from grieving himself because the other passed. (Want to note i never in my life looked, touched or said anything to a female in a sexual way and if i seen a female i liked, my thoughts would be me wishing i was married and or wished i had a GF to cuddle with). This is when i found out about sex dolls and it was random but i decided to buy one and so i did because all the research i did it was noted such dolls helped people with depression. After getting one which was cheap and small (not childlike) at 80cm to see if it was something i would even want. I then decided i would rather buy anime dolls and bought a 90cm one, it was $1200 Vs the 140cm model that was $2200 which i did not have. I started to learn i really liked them for many reason, they give off a presence, they are anime, they can be posed and take amazing pictures and looks nice standing on my pc desk which they do 24/7. I then saved up more money and got a 148cm elsababe that is also anime and she offers the same thing but stands by me and my desk. I do not name my dolls and i refer to them as “it” as they are still objects to me and i dont mean sexual objects but they are to me beautiful female sculptures i can have that are really affordable for what they are. I dont even care to use them and most of the time i do not, ill try once or twice but not after that and now i have 8 dolls, all anime and its the same with them but the two new ones i have not used and they are few months old. Before, i would think and wish i had a gf or a wife that i can never get (fact) and would beat myself up mentally and this would be all day every day but with these dolls, its maybe a mild wish once a month at most and im not as depressed now. Also to note, not that i had a porn addiction but would dive into it few times a week for release but after getting these dolls i have no consumed porn or cared to since then.
I live in a state that may ban small dolls which 6 of mine are, 4 90cm’s (irokebijins) and two 125cm Elsababes) none of which are childlike but because of the vague law, they can and will outlaw any mini doll as its subject to opinion which i think should be illegal for them to do. I dont want or care for realistic childlike dolls but i do not stand for laws that infringe on my rights and needs. I cannot afford full size dolls and with my heart murmur i cannot pick up anything over 50lb and most dolls over 150cm are 60 to 120lb and the lighter larger dolls cost even more.