Why Do People Own Sex Dolls

If you’re familiar with my blog, you’ll know that I love to write about new sex doll research; I find the topic fascinating and it intersects directly with my work, too.
If you’re familiar with my blog, you’ll know that I love to write about new sex doll research; I find the topic fascinating and it intersects directly with my work, too.
Content blockers can impact the digital lives that kids lead. They live on their phones: Discord, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, BeReal, and TikTok.
There are many ways to block pornography; from narrow, focused methods to broad, restrictive methods. In this installment I’m going to give you an overview…
Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab I admit that I am a sucker for any book on boundaries. Nearly all of our clients struggle with boundaries.
Do you have kids? Do you waste time indulging in idleness? Do you have a difficult to control compulsion? There’s lots of reasons to block pornography. Here’s a look at the top 3 reasons to block porn.
For me, the concept of sex dolls is fascinating and when my web guy told me that some people were searching for more information about it, I jumped at the chance to write about them again.
What is the science behind pornography induced erectile dysfunction? Learn more from this new study in the JMIR Health and Surveillance Journal.
Based on science and clinical experience we know there are individuals who acknowledge an attraction to children, also known as minor attraction.
Research is sparse on the experience of registered sex offenders and there was no published data that about LGBTQ people on the sex offender registry.
Protect Children is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization, that recently published the results of their survey, which looked at CSAM on the Dark Web.