Are Denial and Minimization Always Bad? New Perspectives

Have you ever minimized your actions? Or even denied all or part of them? How do denial and minimization reflect on the accused?
Have you ever minimized your actions? Or even denied all or part of them? How do denial and minimization reflect on the accused?
What are Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs)? Let’s talk about the things that make us uncomfortable and learn in the process.
In most jurisdictions in the United States, a person convicted of a sex crime is mandated to sex offender treatment. But what makes for effective treatment?
It’s easy to tell when a bit of science about pedophilia is brought out to the general public. There is usually a rash of negative memes attacking the authors.
Institutional abuse, stories of sexual harm from schools and churches, seems to be in the news almost every day. How can we try to predict and prevent it?
I recently posted on social media about my clinic’s intensive program for sexual offenders and how it aides sentence mitigation.
Consent is a hot button topic today. The #metoo movement continues to grow and the supreme court nomination brought to light the suffering of many sexual abuse survivors. The general public is starting to realize that we do not teach consent to our children Those of us who work in the fields of sexuality (sex […]
If you have been following our blog series, you know that we are trying to use our years of experience to help you find the best counsel and treatment possible for the issues that brought you into the legal system. This post may be the only controversial one of the series. Should you take a […]
So far in our series of articles we have talked about finding a good attorney and a good therapist. The next step in the process is to talk to your attorney about a psychosexual evaluation. In most states and in Federal cases, the prosecution will have you undergo an evaluation with a therapist who […]
In my first blog in this series, I wrote about the fact that getting a therapist is one of the first things you need to do when you are under investigation for a cybersex crime. I briefly mentioned that you will need a specific type of therapist in that post and I am going to […]