Georgia Massage Parlor Shooting

Splashed across the media last night were stories of a sex addiction fueled massage parlor shooting. How realistic are these claims?
Splashed across the media last night were stories of a sex addiction fueled massage parlor shooting. How realistic are these claims?
In years of doing this work, I had not seen any work specifically about asexuality. This book gave me a serious education about asexuality.
This book, and the philosophy of Prodependence, are an alternative to codependency that has been rampant in the addiction recovery movement for decades.
There are a lot of assumptions made about Halloween and Sex Offenders. Let’s take a look at how it’s presented int he media and the realities.
Check out our newest webinar about Sex Offender Registries
Respected psychotherapist Enod Gray has released an excellent primer for recognizing and learning to heal from the consequences of childhood neglect.
Have you ever minimized your actions? Or even denied all or part of them? How do denial and minimization reflect on the accused?
What are Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs)? Let’s talk about the things that make us uncomfortable and learn in the process.
In most jurisdictions in the United States, a person convicted of a sex crime is mandated to sex offender treatment. But what makes for effective treatment?
The sex offender treatment world tends to label unusual practices “deviant” and conventional sex practices just fine. But where does that leave sex doll use?